
Scrum-Kanban: Stencil-Color



Scrum-Kanban: Stencil-Color

Many times, I came across the question “Kanban vs. Scrum” or similar questions. These questions are often answered by literature. We will be exploring metaphorically. This helps us to create a mental picture without getting into the technical details.

Let’s start with an introduction to both, before we get into metaphors. Scrum is a light framework that can solve complex problems. It is an intentionally incomplete framework. What does it mean to be purposefully incomplete? Scrum offers a structure, but not the details. Scrum, for example, defines the order product backlog, backlog refinement and sprint retrospective. However, it doesn’t describe how to do it. Complementary practices are needed to fill in the gaps.


Scrum vs Kanban

The Scrum Guide also clearly states that Scrum cannot be implemented if only a portion of Scrum is used. The Scrum Guide states that we can add complementary practices to the Scrum as long as they do not violate the Scrum rules, values, or principles. However, it cannot take anything from the Scrum framework.

Kanban is a collection of methods, strategies, practices and processes that optimize the flow of “value.” However, it is not necessary to use any framework. There is no need to choose between Scrum and Kanban, or even replace one with the other. Many teams are taking advantage by using both.

Kanban online

Stencil is the best metaphor for Scrum. Stencil, like Scrum, provides a structure. If we take anything from it (i.e. it’s not complete), then the result won’t be complete. The Scrum framework can’t be used without the use of complementary practices. To achieve the desired result, we can use any color, shade or tint of paint, pigment, pigment, or texture that is appropriate for the context. These can be used with Stencil but are not part of it. If necessary, we can use multiple colors, textures, and shades.

Many teams also use complementary practices to Scrum such as “User Story,” Story Point,” Pair Programming, “Pair Programming,” Test-driven Development,” Journey Mapping, etc. These practices are not part of Scrum, but they can be very helpful depending on the context.

Kanban’s best metaphor is “colors.” This can be used in conjunction with any Scrum framework, such as Scrum, or with any other tools. These colors can be used with Stencil. We must follow the Stencil’s structure. Similar to Kanban, any framework like Scrum requires us to also follow the Scrum rules if we use Kanban. If we combine colors and Stencil, we can take advantage of both.

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